Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett | Miss Panda Chinese

In this episode, we hear from Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett about being a foreign-born spouse, finding and creating community, and learning how to get paid for what you do.

Amanda is the founder of Miss Panda Chinese, a popular online Chinese language and culture resource for parents and educators. She has taught ESL and Mandarin Chinese on four continents and is the Chinese language consultant for Word Party Season 4 and 5 on Netflix.

She was a former executive at Warner Bros. and has served as a professional interpreter for Hollywood celebrities as well as numerous Fortune 500 companies. Amanda was also the co-host for the English Club, the top-rated English language learning program on the National Education Radio Station in Taiwan, the radio equivalent of PBS in the United States.

Her published works include “First Mandarin Sounds an awesome Chinese word book” and the “Let’s Learn Mandarin Chinese with Miss Panda!” streaming album. She provides intercultural language consulting and training for global families, businesses, and language teachers.