Emily Cornell | Transition & Transformation Coach

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Emily Cornell keeps a photo on her wall that reminds her of the moment she knew things had to change. After an ER visit due to severe burnout, a nearby terrorist attack during a work trip, and reconnecting with a college boyfriend who had just been posted to Brussels, Emily realized that she had to choose something bigger for her life.

During our conversation, Emily shares how she navigated many transitions over the next few years and ultimately made sense of her story through the power of coaching. She now coaches other women through transition and transformation.

About Emily
Emily Cornell, ACC is a storyteller, strategist, and coach. She helps Millennial and Gen X women tap into their courage and authenticity through transitions and transformations to feel more comfortable in their skin and bring their very best into the world.

She blends a co-creative and intuitive approach with the skills and knowledge gained from more than 15 years working in and for advertising/marketing agencies, startups, and nonprofits. She also has an interest in trauma-informed spaceholding and brings that lens to her work.

Emily is a third-tour EFM who thinks “home” is wherever her art is on the walls. You’ll find her in Delhi, India these days.

This episode is sponsored by Crystaline Randazzo, LLC.
Crystaline is not just a storyteller, but a media creatrix who works magic with the science of storytelling. And like you, she’s a Diplo spouse.

After years of collecting stories as a humanitarian storyteller and filmmaker, Crystaline started wondering why storytelling could be so empowering for some people but re-traumatizing for others. Ultimately, she left humanitarian storytelling and now envisions a safer way to tell stories. She’s crafted a process that goes beyond just storytelling. It integrates safer stories through community practice, boundaries, and somatic movement.

Her eight-week course, “Transformational Storytelling, How to Tell Stories that Heal, Shift, and Transform,” kicks off in February 2024. But Crystaline is also hosting a free training January 29th-31st, “Find Your Voice, From Stuck to Storyteller.” For all the details, visit https://www.crystalinerandazzo.com/